I'm not exactly nostalgic about winter (really, I'm not!) but springtime comes with it's own set of problems, namely, mud.
Even a few weeks ago, when my parents came to visit and we took a stroll to Evergreen Brickworks, it was a mud trap in the forest trails. Zoey came back looking like a different coloured dog.
We still managed to have a good time, though. Here's a recap of our little adventure.

To get to the Brickworks from where I live, you have to walk through Rosedale, a super prestigious, gorgeous neighbourhood. I'm guilty of fantasizing about living here. The whole hood is designated as a Heritage Area, so all of the houses have to remain like they are. Perfect for admiring Victorian architecture.
It's not a long walk to the Brickworks through the forest paths, which makes for a nice half-day trip. Just make sure you bring shoes that you don't mind getting dirty! My dad wore his Sunday Best and really regretted it afterwards. Guess I should've warned him we were going on a forest walk. Whoops.
I can't wait until the mud is gone and the temperatures stay above 20 degrees on a consistent basis. The Brickworks is even more beautiful in the summertime, and you can actually walk through all of the forest paths without slipping and sliding and spending half an hour washing your two dirty dogs afterwards.
The best part: there are huge turtles that live in the lake. They hibernate under the ice in the winter, so we didn't see them this time, but we'll definitely go back when the weather gets nicer. Shop at the Farmer's Market. Bike in the trails. Lounge on the deck. You know, the typical things all Torontonians do.